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Climate Farm
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Improve Your Row Garden
Johnny Appleseed Organic Village farm manager Joshua Andersen shares three tips for improving garden rows in this short informational video.
Raising Chickens | How to Build a Chicksaw
Get the most out of your garden with this time-tested technique.
How to Raise Worms for Composting and Soil Improvement
Baker Creek Seeds Horticulturist Shannie McCabe shares her experience with at-home worm farming.
Support Species
Learn how one plant can help another grow to its fullest potential with this primer on the art of strategic co-planting.
Installing Commercial Beehives
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe talks through the intricacies of planting peppers in this quick and easy how-to video.
Planning an Urban Garden
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe talks through the intricacies of planting peppers in this quick and easy how-to video.
Lure & Catch a Swarm of Bees
Create and set a lure trap with this simple how-to video featuring the team at Bee Friends Farm.
How to Move Bees into Hives
It's move-in day for your bees, and this video has all the information you need to successfully relocate your swarm to its new home.
Beekeeping: Where and How to Start
To the uninitiated, keeping bees can seem like a daunting challenge. In this guest post, expert beekeeper Jennifer Holmes offers tips and tricks for a successful start.
Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues
Generating three centimeters of top soil takes 1,000 years, and if current rates of degradation continue all of the world's top soil could be gone within 60 years, a senior UN official said
Carbon Sequestration: The Solution to Global Warming is Right at our Feet
Greenhouse gases—primarily carbon dioxide but also methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide—have been released from soil and water into the atmosphere by natural processes for millions of years.
Farming’s Growing Problem
Fertilizers are contaminating and warming the planet. Regulators haven’t acted on decades-old warnings.
Chemical Free Weed Control
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe talks through the intricacies of planting peppers in this quick and easy how-to video.
Building a Sustainable Greenhouse
Get the most out of your garden with this time-tested technique.
Planting for Pollinators
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe talks through the intricacies of planting peppers in this quick and easy how-to video.
Companion Planting
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe talks through the intricacies of planting peppers in this quick and easy how-to video.