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Climate Farm
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Building a Climate Cabin Part II | Laying a Foundation
Join Mikael as she makes her way through the earliest challenges of constructing an eco-conscious small home.
Raising Chickens | How to Build a Chicksaw
Get the most out of your garden with this time-tested technique.
Installing Commercial Beehives
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe talks through the intricacies of planting peppers in this quick and easy how-to video.
A Beginners Guide to Growing Rice
Learn the ins and outs of growing rice for harvest and landscaping with this how-to by grain-growing expert Brie Arthur.
Lure & Catch a Swarm of Bees
Create and set a lure trap with this simple how-to video featuring the team at Bee Friends Farm.
Starting Peanuts in Spring
Growing peanuts can seem like a daunting task, but Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe makes it seem easy in this brief how-to video.
Starting Corn in Spring
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds horticulturist Shannie McCabe talks through the intricacies of planting corn in this quick and easy how-to video.
Building a Sustainable Greenhouse
Get the most out of your garden with this time-tested technique.